Here are some helpful tips to consider when you go for an interview:
- Arrive 5-10 minutes early
- Dress neatly and professionally
- Introduce yourself
- Stand until the interviewer asks you to sit
- Maintain direct eye contact with the interviewer
- Sit alertly (do not slouch)
- Be friendly
- Speak pleasantly
- Look interested and be interesting
- Express yourself clearly
- Know the type of work you are looking for
- Do your homework on the company you are interviewing with
- Thank the interviewer for his/her time at the end of the interview.
Here are some pitfalls to avoid in the interview:
- Don't complain about a previous employer
- Don't tell jokes unless you are applying to be a comedian
- Don't get angry at a question
- Don't get into any discussions about your problems
- Don't tell the interviewer how nervous you are
- Don't bring your children or significant other to the interview
This is your show! "Showcase" yourself
*Remember this your chance to land that job. Put your best foot forward and make the best impression you can.
Emerge~where the talented becomes stars
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