Anger; Frustration; Hostility; Rage; Resentment
These can all be generalized to one word… hatred. Out of all the emotions we experience, hatred is one I find most fascinating. It’s the one emotion people tend to not want to acknowledge due to the negative connotations the word often brings. Some of the most heinous crimes committed throughout the worlds’ history have been carried out due to hatred including genocide. It’s the emotion that lingers and festers in the mind, causing people to potentially do unspeakable things when it gets to be too much to control. Of course we all know the large majority of us will never let hatred control our actions to such an extreme degree, but whenever you see or hear someone expressing themselves in an overtly hostile way, can you not help but take a little caution? Intense hatred in one person or a group of people can draw out fear in others. It’s the only emotion people are afraid of which is why in part I find it so intriguing. The other part… I believe that we all have an inner rage inside of us, but due its social discontent at those who express it albeit in a harmless or harmful way, not everyone wants to acknowledge it within themselves. But is hatred truly an evil emotion? When a person is mistreated, anger can give that person needed strength to stand up for themselves. So when we see anger and hatred in a person should we automatically be afraid and look down on them? No. On the contrary, I think we as a society should stop being gigantic pussies about it.
Anxiety; Regret; Despair; Guilt; Misery; Shame
Affection; Passion; Compassion; Desire; Longing
As I stated earlier it’s been said by many that love conquers all. It’s also been said that one of the worst reasons to make important decisions is for love. Why? We tend to make decisions we would not normally make and anybody who has ever been in love knows exactly what I’m talking about. These decisions include but are not limited to deciding to share a bank account with someone you probably shouldn’t be sharing one with, to choosing to wait outside a person’s house to just to get a glimpse of a person you’ve become infatuated with. And I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about spouses killing their loved ones or even themselves due to their love being betrayed or abused. Sometimes love has the ability to blur the line between rationality and insanity more than it needs to be blurred, and there are people out there who have a hard time telling the two apart.
If the brain is the strongest muscle in the body, how powerful are emotions? They are after all what govern the brain. If you want to hit someone, your brain may be what tells your arm to raise itself and swing, but it’s the anger you feel that makes you decide the person in front of you needs to be hit. But this isn’t really news to anyone right… nothing riveting about anything you’ve read so far? So what exactly was the point to all of this? Is it to prove that even the more undesirable emotions can have their place in the human life cycle, while the most sought after and arguably most important one of them all has its flaw? Not it either. Years ago I got a tattoo on my stomach of a vampire; inspired from the notion that vampires aren’t bound by the shackles of any emotion. The point of this is to ask the question, if given the opportunity could you and would you strip yourselves of all feelings?
You may never have to suffer from the crippling weight of depression, but you also will never experience the joys of being loved. As a person who lives within his own head and as someone who is constantly looking inward for the answers to all of life’s questions I am in no question a slave to my own emotions, explicitly allowing them to dictate how I live my life with no shame or regrets about it. But it is because of this that I often fantasize, sometimes for hours at a time, about where and what I would be without them. So as I finally end this I pose the question for you all, where would you be without your emotions? "1265"
by Andre Harry
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